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August 2023: Started PhD in Computer Science at Georgia Tech!

May 18, 2023: Awarded the President's Fellowship from Georgia Tech.

May 2023: Made USC's Dean's List  for achieving outstanding academic success.

May 6, 2023: Graduated from University of South Carolina with Magna Cum Laude.

May 4, 2023: USC Honors College Revocation - received Honors College medal.

May 4 & March 29, 2023: Featured on USC Computer Science and Engineering Department News (refer for second link as well) for winning first place at Discover USC'23 and for NSF GRFP Fellowship 

April 26, 2023: Theia: Outdoor Millimeter-Wave Picocell Placement using Drone-based surveying and Machine Learning accepted as a full paper to IEEE ICCCN'2023.

April 24, 2023: USC Honors College Thesis was accepted in fulfillment and CSCE web app has been completed and submitted.

April 21, 2023: Outdoor Point Cloud Reconstruction Using Drone-based Millimeter-Wave Systems Poster was presented by Ian McDowell at Discover USC. I presented Theia Poster at Discover USC which won first place. 

April 20, 2023: USC Awards Day!! Received USC Outstanding Senior Award and USC NSF GRF certificate.

April 14, 2023: Presented Theia Poster and Outdoor Point Cloud Reconstruction Using Drone-based Millimeter-Wave Systems Poster was presented by Ian McDowell at USC CSE Research Symposium

April 1, 2023: Awarded NSF GRFP Fellowship.  

March 30, 2023: Accepted Offer of Admission to Georgia Tech for PhD in Computer Science.

January-May 2023: NSF REU Position at USC under Prof. Sanjib Sur.

December 2022: Made UofSC's Dean's List  for achieving outstanding academic success. 

    Submitted USC Honors College Thesis Proposal and was fully accepted.

August-December 2022: NSF REU Position at UofSC under Prof. Sanjib Sur.

June 13, 2022: Awarded William Edward Dent Jr. Scholarship ($1000) by UofSC College of Engineering and Computing.

May-June 2022: Summer NSF REU Position at UofSC under Prof. Sanjib Sur.

May 2022: Made UofSC's Dean's List for achieving outstanding academic success.

April 22, 2022: Presented MilliDrone Poster at Discover UofSC. 

March 15, 2022: Attended IEEE-Columbia Section Talk on "Bringing Scalable Millimeter-Wave Networks and Applications to the Masses" by Prof. Sanjib Sur. 

March 10, 2022: Featured on UofSC Computer Science and Engineering Department News for winning Best Poster Runner-Up Award at the ACM HotMobile'22.

March 9, 2022: Awarded Best Poster Runner-Up Award at ACM HotMobile 2022. Congrats Ian McDowell as well. 

February 11, 2022: Attended Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to Advance Earth System Science, Virtual (National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine).

January 28, 2022: MilliDrone Poster accepted to ACM HotMobile 2022. Published on March 9 to ACM Digital Library.

December 2021: Made UofSC's Dean's List  for achieving outstanding academic success. 

December 14, 2021: Received Magellan Scholar with Ian McDowell (combined $6000 funding) for work on Drone-based Multimodal Surveying for Outdoor 5G Millimeter-Wave Picocell Placement.

August 2021: Joined Prof. Sanjib Sur's Lab (SyReX Lab).

May 2021: Made both UofSC's President's List & Dean's List for achieving outstanding academic success.

June-July 2021: Completed Honors College Beyond the Classroom Requirement for research on FPGA-based smart sensor designs for performing online state structural estimations based on vibrational signals. Developed a standalone Forward Pass for LSTM Neural Networks using MATLAB under Prof. Jason Bakos.

June 11, 2021: Awarded Marva Smalls Scholarship ($1500) by UofSC College of Engineering and Computing for outstanding academic achievement.

December 2020: Declared minor in Mathematics. Made UofSC's Dean's List for achieving outstanding academic success.

August 2020: Started undergraduate degree at University of South Carolina.

June 2018: Joined Prof. Jason Bakos Lab (Heterogenous and Reconfigurable Computing Lab) as a high school research intern.